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3 Helpful Personality Assessments for the Homeschooling Momma


When I was in college, we were often asked to take personality assessments that related to our leadership styles, learning styles, and personalities, overall. There were times when I was even asked to create surveys and questionnaires to be filled out by some of those who knew me. I was often intrigued by the responses that I received from those around me regarding my own tendencies, strengths, and weaknesses. There were times when I had to choose to not take certain constructive criticisms the wrong way knowing that they were given in love.

Truth is, it can be both helpful and vulnerable to be introduced to and begin to understand our own strengths and weaknesses. With that said, I have found that the information and knowledge gained from such personality assessments can often be very valuable even within my daily life.

Today, I would like to introduce all of you homeschooling mommas to three of my favorite personality assessments. Each of these assessments have impacted my life in some way, and I hope they will do the same for you!


1. The Do It Scared Fear Assessment (linked here) – by Ruth Soukup


Picture from Facebook of Ruth Soukup and her two little girls with a children’s book she wrote about overcoming your fears.


What a powerful tool! The Do It Scared Fear Assessment will help you uncover the fears that may be affecting your daily life. Let’s face it. Nearly all of us have fear in our lives that holds us back from reaching our goals, whether that be the fear of letting people down, or the fear of failure. In this assessment, Ruth highlights seven different “Fear Archetypes,” as she calls them. In an interview outlined on Forbes, she says that those seven archetypes are as follows:


The Procrastinatoralso sometimes called the perfectionist—is most afraid of making a mistake.

The People Pleaser is most afraid of being judged by others or letting people down.

The Rule Follower has an unhealthy fear of authority and an aversion to coloring outside the lines.

The Outcast is terrified of rejection, often rejecting others before they can be rejected in return.

The Self Doubter is afraid of not being capable or worthy.

The Excuse Maker is afraid of being blamed or held responsible.

The Pessimist is most afraid of pain and adversity.

– Ruth Soukup (article by Caprino linked here)


This assessment helped me see how my fears can show up in my daily life. I am the “Rule Follower,” and, since taking this personality assessment, I have realized just how much my fear of breaking the rules is real in my life.

Knowing your fears and acknowledging them can help you take steps to overcome them.


2. The Four Tendencies Quiz (linked here) – by Gretchen Rubin


Picture of Gretchen Rubin


This quiz takes a look at what motivates us. Are you the type of person that is strictly motivated by your internal dreams and goals, or do you need accountability? Find out by taking this quiz! I found out that I am very much motivated by others (I am the “Obliger,” as Gretchen Rubin would call me, that is described below); therefore, accountability is crucial for me if I want to actually stick with something.

On her site, Gretchen Rubin describes the four tendencies as follows:


Upholders want to know what should be done.

Questioners want justifications.

Obligers need accountability.

Rebels want freedom to do something their own way.

– Gretchen Rubin (link to site here)


When I think about the value of a homeschooling momma knowing this information about themselves, I think it could also influence how she homeschools and puts systems of accountability (whether that be internal or external) in place. For me, personally, I think I will definitely need external accountability since I do in most other areas of my life. It is something to consider, for sure.


3. The Love Language Quiz (linked here) – by Gary Chapman


Picture of Dr. Gary Chapman


In his works, Dr. Chapman describes five different love languages which would be:


words of affirmation

receiving gifts

acts of service

quality time

physical touch

– Dr. Gary Chapman (link to website here)



We all love differently. Understanding how we ourselves love and are loved can help us understand our own needs and desires. I have thoroughly enjoyed knowing my own love languages and learning those of my friends and family’s, as well. For example, if I know that my love language is words of affirmation, I can put my favorite Bible verse somewhere that I will see it every day to remind myself of God’s love and faithfulness.

Dr. Gary Chapman says,


“Love is a choice you make every day.”


Knowing our own love language is important, but, I think it is even more important that we know the love languages of those around us. Knowing my loved ones’ love languages helps me communicate my love to them more effectively, and I believe that this sentiment would also impact a momma’s homeschooling. If your child’s love language is physical touch, then a high five or a big hug may do more for them then telling them they did an amazing job on their exam.


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I sincerely hope that you will take the time to look into these personality assessments and see if any of them would be a good fit for you! Understanding our own strengths and weaknesses can be a very powerful tool in our homeschooling and everyday life, regardless of our ages or stages of life.


Do you have any personality assessments that you would recommend?

Have you already taken the ones I mentioned? Have they helped you in your life or not? 

Please let me know in the comments below! I would love to hear from you.


Until next time
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