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Do you have what it takes to homeschool?


Overwhelm, fear of failure, challenges, and time management struggles – there is no doubt that homeschooling has many of these emotions and challenges all wrapped up in one giant mountain that may seem insurmountable at times. But, at the end of the day, there is really one question that seems to nag you. Do you really have what it takes to homeschool your kids? Can you and your family stick with this challenging, exciting adventure and successfully reach graduation?

Let us be honest. Not everyone can effectively homeschool their children. While some people are simply uninterested, others just are unable to for one reason or another. So, what about you? Do you have what it takes? Here in this post, we will discuss four qualities you absolutely need to have to successfully homeschool your children.


1. Consistency (of some sort)


I know it could be easy to think that homeschooling is a way of life that allows for infinite flexibility, and, do not get me wrong, it does give you and your family much more flexibility than public or private school would. With that said, your kids still need to do school. It will take a lot of work to homeschool your kids, and a lot of kids do much better with a consistent routine. Your kids need to know what is expected of them, and it is up to you to give them the consistency they need.

As an online university student, I often tell people that the online platform does not make earning a degree easier, but it does make it possible to continue my education while we travel.

In many ways, I think that homeschooling does not make educating your children easier by any means, but it is possible for you to do so successfully with some form of consistency. You will need to establish priorities and stick to them while maintaining a lifestyle of flexibility. Once again, it is not easy, but it is possible!

Being consistent does not mean you cannot go to the zoo on a random Thursday or take a family vacation in the middle of February, but it does mean creating stability that your kids can count on and thrive in.


2. Determination


You have to have the resolve to not quit when the going gets rough. There are going to be times when your child is failing one of their courses. Just because your child is struggling does not mean you are failing! Failure is only a part of the process. In tough times, it is so important that you resolve not to quit. You must realize that you have options. Maybe you need to hire a private tutor to help your older kids with their chemistry or geometry. You might need to get some supplementary material to help your middle schooler learn how to be a great writer. You do not have to do everything on your own, but you must be determined not to give up, especially when quitting is an option.


“We must remember that one determined person can make a significant difference, and that a small group of determined people can change the course of history.”

– Sonia Johnson


YOU have the power to make a difference in the life of your child.

YOU can instill in your child godly principles and an education grounded in the truth.

YOU really can change your child’s world…

But you must resolve not to quit even when the going gets tough.


3. Patience


This part is hard sometimes. If you are going to homeschool your kids, you need to be patient with them and with yourself. There will be times when you fall behind in your schedule and goals. In times like that, it is hard to be patient with yourself as you do your best to catch up.

Falling behind creates a difficult situation since learning cannot always be rushed. For this reason, it is so important that you remain patient with your kids and just take everything one day at a time.

Be patient with yourself and your children as you both learn and grow together.


4. Care


Lastly, if you want to homeschool your kids, you really need to care. You must care a lot. It is important for you to care about their learning, their growth, their success, and their preparedness. My mom and dad homeschooled me and my five younger brothers through our entire years of school. Three of my younger brothers are still in grade school, but three of us are in university. I remember when I was still in high school, whenever anyone asked my parents what it takes to homeschool, they always said,


“You just have to care. If you care a lot, you will find a way to do a great job.”


In many ways, it is really that simple. If you care, you will find the best curriculum to fit your family. When you care, you will push through the struggles and challenges that will indefinitely come your way. If you care enough, you will do an amazing job homeschooling your kids.


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There you have it! Homeschooling is not for everyone, but it really is an amazing option for many families around the world. Dear friend, do you have what it takes? Are you determined to succeed at homeschooling your kids? Do you have the patience and consistency necessary to get you through some of the challenges that will come? Most importantly, do you care?


Until next time


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