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Ultimate Kindergarten School Supplies List 2022

This post discussing kindergarten school supplies list may contain affiliate links which means that I receive some form of compensation in return (at no additional cost to you) if you purchase through my link:)


“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” – Plutarch (link HERE)


Kindergarten is such a sweet season of life. Kids are always learning as they experiment with learning how to walk, how to eat, how to talk, how to communicate effectively, how to laugh, and the list goes on. They are constantly learning! As they grow old enough to start learning what we would consider to be “kindergarten level” concepts, they are introduced to a whole new world. Letters and words start to make sense to them, and they try to read everything they see. It is truly such a beautiful season of wonder and excitement for these sweet babies.

In not too long at all, we will start seeing all the “back to school” sales as the next school year approaches. With that in mind, whether you are starting the school year with different grade levels, or you have your first baby starting school this year, I wanted to pull together a kindergarten school supplies list that you can reference over the next several months as you begin your school shopping 🙂 Though you really do not need many things to effectively teach your child kindergarten-level skills, it can be helpful to have some school supplies to set you and your child up for success as the new year approaches.

Here are some ideas to get you started.


Necessary/helpful kindergarten supplies:




Additional supplies:



Please take into consideration that all of these items may be different for each homeschool family. If you really want to make literature a priority, then you will need more reading resources than a family that may want to make writing the main focus. On the other hand, if art is very important to you, then you will need many more art supplies than a family who doesn’t put as much priority on art (more on that below). There are a lot of special programs that young children can get involved in that will vary for each family which will, in turn, change the list of supplies that each family will need to thrive with their education process.

With art projects in mind, I thought it would also be fun to go ahead and pull together a list of art supplies that would enable you to do a whole lot of fun art activities with your littles 🙂



Art supplies:



These are some of the main recurring items that I have seen come up in a lot of the art projects that I have researched for many different compilation posts 🙂 In addition to these, I would say that items from natures such as dried flowers, sticks, leaves, and rocks can also be really fun art and craft supplies for your kindergarten student. Do not underestimate the amount of fun you can have with some construction paper, glue, scissors, and googly eyes!



Honestly, I think it’s also worth noting that your kindergarten supply list can truly be very simple. For kindergarten students going to public schools, supplies like Kleenex and hand sanitizer would be recommended which I would consider to be smart ideas. That said, by homeschooling, you eliminate the need to purchase many of those items on a recommended list of supplies since you will likely be in your own home as you school your children. Teaching your kids at home gives you the opportunity to use items around the house as educational supplies. These items might consist of using rocks for a counting exercise rather than items purchased at a store. The possibilities are endless, and I really encourage you to keep things simple as you navigate the first few years of homeschooling. Do not overcomplicate it 🙂

It is very possible to do a great job of teaching kindergarten level concepts with simply an “educational” workbook from a bookstore, some pens and pencils, crayons, and notebook paper of some kind. Kindergarten can be such a fun and enlightening time for a child as the world of letters, words, and reading open up. You are your child’s teacher, and you have the liberty to choose how you introduce your children to the world of school.


Do you have any kindergarten supplies that you would add to these lists? 

I would love to hear from you in the comments below!


Until next time



If this post about what I would recommend for a kindergarten school supplies list has been helpful, here’s another post I wrote about school supplies. This post was written with many other grades in mind, and I hope it is helpful!


Homeschool Materials You Will ACTUALLY Use


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