Homeschool Help

Remember Your Why


Why do you do what you do? What made you choose to homeschool your kids? Was it something you just believed was right? Did your kids just inspire you to be a homeschooling momma? Regardless of your reason for homeschooling, you have one. You have a why for homeschooling your kids. Do you remember your why, your purpose?


Definition of purpose.


Purpose, as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary is “the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.”

My purpose, my why, is what makes me tick. It’s the thing that motivates me, inspires, and encourages me.

To clarify, throughout this post, I will use our “purpose” and our “why” interchangeably.


Importance of purpose.


Purpose is crucial for many reasons and from many perspectives. In the business world, it is imperative that a company and its leaders are clear on their purpose in order for their business to have a solid foundation and direction as they move forward. If they do not have a clear purpose, their mission, marketing, and business relationships will be confused.

From a personal perspective, it is important for individuals to find their purpose so that they do not get lost in smaller details. When a clear purpose is lacking, it is easy to wander about life without aim or clarity.

With that said, what does purpose have to do with your homeschooling? I believe that it has a lot to do with it!

When you know your reason for homeschooling, it is easier to push through the slumps and the discouraging times that inevitably will be present in your life, as a homeschooling momma. Knowing your why will inspire you and give you the heart, energy, and passion you need to carry on!

The following video by Michael Jr. called “Know Your Why” does an incredible job of reminding us of the impact that knowing our purpose can have in our lives. Please watch!


Know Your Why – Michael Jr.


This video never gets old to me! I love the point Michael Jr. makes and the awesome demonstration by the singer in the video. At the end of this video clip, Michael Jr. says:


“When you know your why, your what becomes more impactful because you’re walking towards or in your purpose.”

Michael Jr.


Find and remember your purpose.


So, we know what purpose is and why it’s important, but how do you find and remember your why?

I think oftentimes, to truly find our purpose we need to take a step back and look at what is really important to us. Bro. Ray Brown said, “To get where you’re going, you have to know where you are.” If we are going to fully understand our why and find our purpose, we will need to take a deep look at our faith and relationship with the Lord, what drives us, our dreams, and our priorities.

My ultimate goal is to bring honor and glory to the Lord and follow His perfect will for my life. Because this is my ultimate goal, my entire life can be traced back to this goal. In the past several months, I have had some drastic life changes. I got married in November of 2020, moved away from my family and church in Texas to live with my husband and attend our church in Alabama. Additionally, I graduated from Arizona State University with my bachelor’s degree in December of 2020. Each of these life changes have been beautiful and challenging, at times. Though I left a family and many friends in Texas, God has blessed me with a wonderful church here and more family, and I am so very thankful for that! With that said, when times are more challenging, I can look back to my why. My ultimate goal is not to be comfortable. It is not to take the easy route. My purpose is not to live my life for my own pleasure. After all, my life is not my own. It belongs to my King and Creator. My why is to live for the Lord and put a smile on His face. I want Him to look down from Heaven and say, “That’s my girl.”

In a podcast called Do It Scared, Ruth Soukup made the following comment,


“Your why has to be bigger than your fear and bigger than your resistance to it.”

Ruth Soukup


You have to believe in the importance of your purpose. It has to be in your heart, and it has to be real to you.

You have chosen to homeschool your kids. Just because you believe that homeschooling is the right thing for you and your family does not mean that it is the right route for everyone. That said, you do believe it is right for you, and you need to get really clear on why you believe that to be true. Your reason can be as simple as believing God wants you to. If you have prayed about it and honestly believe that it is God’s will for you and your family to homeschool, then that is your why, and it is a beautiful purpose.


Embrace your purpose.


I love the word embrace. For us to fully understand the importance and power of our purpose, it is not enough for us to simply acknowledge it. It is not sufficient for you to even just remember your why. Our purpose has to be something we embrace, something we consider a priority in our day to day lives.

So, whenever you get discouraged about the daily tasks we all face, take time to remember your why. When your kids are falling behind in a subject, or fail a test, or just get overwhelmed with a concept they do not understand, take a step back and think about the reason you started homeschooling in the first place. Your purpose is powerful and, with God’s help and strength, you will push through and bring honor and glory to Him.

Today, I encourage you to find your purpose and remember your why, as Michael Jr. talked about in his video. Once you take time to remember that purpose, embrace it. I don’t think you’ll ever regret it.


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What is your why and how do you take time to remember it?

I would love to hear from you in the comments below!


Until next time

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