Homeschool Help

When You Need to Encourage Yourself.


Encourage yourself? Maybe you read the title of my post and found yourself a little bit confused. So many times, when we are down and out, we think we need someone else to walk alongside us and tell us, “It’s okay, girl. You got this, and you can do AMAZING things if you just set your mind to it!” Sometimes, we do need that, but, truth is, this support does not always seem to be there every time we feel down. On days like that, what is a girl to do?


A thought…


The other day while I was in church, I looked over at the next page in my Bible from where the preacher was preaching. There on the page I had underlined this little phrase from 1 Samuel 30:6:


“…but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.”


What a precious thought! David was going through a lot in this passage. His plan had backfired, and, as the leader, he had brought a lot of hurt into the lives of those he loved. In fact, his family had been kidnapped along with the families of his men. The beginning of that same verse said,


“And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters…” – 1 Samuel 30:6a


David was going through a trial. He had every right to be stressed and overwhelmed. His decisions had brought pain to both himself and those he loved. Nevertheless, David made a choice. He chose to focus on the God Who was in control of the storm that raged around him. As the verse says, “David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.”


Okay, but what does that have to do with me?


With all of that in mind, as I pondered on this passage in 1 Samuel, I began to think of all of you homeschooling mommas who face a day-to-day list of responsibilities and challenges. You have storms that you face as you do your best to educate your kids. You have your own struggles that others may or may not see. While homeschooling, the daily chore list does not go away. Even though report cards are coming up, you do not get to skip cooking for a week, and the list goes on and on!

On top of all that, you may also be working through self-doubt or simply discouragement. At this point in the year, many homeschooling families have fallen behind in their schedules for the year, especially after the holidays and catching up can seem so daunting. I know because I have been there when I was in school!

In times like these, how do we find strength and hope in our homeschooling journeys?

Here are just a few thoughts that I hope will encourage your momma’s heart!



1. Encourage yourself in the Lord (1 Samuel 30:6b).


As David did, simply choose to encourage yourself in God. Do not wait for anyone else to do it for you. We are responsible for how we respond within stressful circumstances. Does that mean that we have to fix the situations ourselves? Absolutely not. We are called to give God our burdens not to bear them (1 Peter 5:7). With that in mind, if we want to find strength in our homeschooling journeys, we must choose to encourage ourselves in God, knowing He is still in control.


2. Consider the big picture (Ps. 27:13-14).


In the day to day tasks we are faced with each morning, it can become difficult to see the big picture and what we are constantly working towards. Yet, it is crucial that we take time to consider where we are going and why. If you continue to pour your heart into it, your child is going to graduate high school. They are going to learn their courses and make it to the next grade. Even though you may be a few weeks behind, or your child may be struggling in history, it is going to be okay, and this too shall pass, as my dad always told me.


3. Remember to find joy in the journey itself. 


One of my very favorite thoughts comes from Oswald Chamber’s devotion My Utmost for His Highest. He says,


encourage yourself

“We must never put our dreams of success as God’s purpose for us…God is not working toward a particular finish; His end is the process – That I see Him walking on the waves, no shore in sight, no success, no goal, just the absolute certainty that it is all right because I see Him walking on the sea. It is the process, not the end, which is glorifying to God.” – Oswald Chambers


What a beautiful thought! So often, we think that God is like us. We assume that He is impressed with our progress and our accomplishments, when, really, He is more concerned with the processes in our lives. To Him, the journey is the destination, that we learn to love Him and trust Him in the midst of our journeys, regardless of our circumstances.


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Now, I know that all of these reminders are so much easier said than done. At the same time, I sincerely hope that these thoughts have been an encouragement to your heart regardless of the challenges you may be facing in your own personal homeschooling journey.


If you have any other encouragement tips that you would like to share, please leave a comment below!

I would sincerely love to hear from you:)


Until next time

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