Worksheets & Activities

Lowercase “a” Tracing Worksheet Printables (4 Different Pages!)

This post discussing Lowercase a Tracing Worksheet Printables may contain affiliate links which means that I receive some form of compensation in return (at no additional cost to you) if you purchase through my link:)


Happy Monday, sweet friends!


Can you all believe that April is almost over? We are nearing the month of May very quickly which also brings the end of school for so many public, private, and homeschoolers around the country. The days are getting longer, and all the summer plans are being made with so many fun things on the agendas. With that in mind, I know there are several moms who are looking for some ways to get in extra practice for their kids to work through during the summer either to give them a head start on their next grade or simply to help them remember what they learned already.

When it comes to young learners, flash cards, alphabet books, printable worksheets, and educational activities, in general, can be great ways to encourage summer learning.

To go along with that, I thought it might be helpful to create some letter tracing worksheets that you can print and use with your kindergarten kids or maybe even preschoolers, if you would like. My hope with these worksheets is to help your kindergarten students with their letter recognition along with their fine motor skills and even their writing skills, in general.

For these alphabet pages, I would definitely recommend laminating the pages so that it becomes a re-usable activity that your child can use with dry erase markers. You can make them double-sided, too, as long as you use thick enough paper so that the ink does not bleed through.

This first post only focuses on the lowercase letter “a.” If this post is helpful, please let me know since I haven’t decided if I should do a full series with all the letters of the alphabet. I would also like to know if you prefer to have the lower case letters separate from the corresponding uppercase letters. I can understand both perspectives, but I would like to know what you think and the best way I can provide you with tools that will be helpful.



I wanted to go ahead and give you this one completely free. That said, there are three other pages that I also created, and you can have these easily, as well, if you want to go ahead and sign up to my email list in the form below 🙂





The four different pages all have different difficulty levels. The first page is simply the uppercase letter “A” combined with the lowercase letter “a” made with dotted lines that your child can trace. The second page has only traceable lowercase letter a’s. Next, the third page has the lowercase letter a along with 5 lines that your child can copy down the lowercase letter a’s without as much guidance. Lastly, the final page has the words “apple,” “alligator,” “airplane,” and “ant” with dotted lines that young children can use to trace. On that page, there are only lowercase letters in the words, and I think it can be a great way to introduce other small letters and letter sounds.

If you decide you would like the whole pdf file with all 4 pages (5 including the terms of use page), as I mentioned before, then all you need to do is sign up to my email list. There is no monetary cost for the file, so all you need to do is put in your email address, go to your email inbox, click the download link to the worksheets pdf, and then you can use these practice sheets for personal use as much as you would like. Use this form to subscribe and download your worksheets pdf!



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There you have it! In this post, I have provided you with four different lowercase alphabet tracing worksheets that I hope will be helpful to you. As I said before, let me know if you would like to have the entire alphabet in “tracing letter worksheets” that you can use with your kindergarten kiddos. I hope that these lowercase alphabet worksheets will help your child with their letter identification along with their general letter knowledge.

If you are looking for more printable pages that help with learning alphabet letters, I did want to include a link here to my Etsy shop where you can find an entire workbook that includes pages for ever letter of the alphabet to help your young learners with their alphabet practice. I hope it proves to be helpful to you!


Did you decide to use any of these lowercase a tracing worksheets? 

Would it be helpful if I made more worksheets like these for each of the other letters of the alphabet?

Let me know in the comments below!


Until next time

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Looking for more worksheets? Check out these previous posts that I have written with worksheet compilations!


25+ FREE Printable Kindergarten Subtraction Worksheets

25+ FREE Printable Kindergarten Sight Word Worksheets

21+ FREE Kindergarten Addition Worksheets

20+ Free Spring Coloring Pages



    • Hannah

      Hey, Caitlin! Yes 🙂 Since I’m not positive I can send it through a comment, if you email me (, I will send you the PDF by that means. Hope that helps!

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